The time - an important factor of any strategical game
(International symposium on systems theory, robotics, computers&process informatics, Craiova, 4-6 june 1998, pag.10-22)
Coautor Margareta Simonescu
A short history about strategic games was made. The time was implied. The strategy concept was generalized (CIOBANU). The concept of “natural strategies” was introduced. The report between these strategies and the reciprocal influences were analyzed. The role of time in strategy achievements, independently of the strategy nature and reciprocal interactions, was indicated.
1. The game in the vital space of man
At the beginning of life, when the first demonstrations of action are recomposed into an evidently defined genetic context, when existential proofs are the bound between consciousness and reflex, only "the game" is an outside element which can be insinuated easily in the space of image and facts, only through it can be ensured an amplification of arguments, of deliberation and cognition, like the first steps of the evolution.
Like a prelude of the experiences that will follow, the first components of this application in time are concretized in structures defined by the light, noise, color, heat and cold, satiety and lack.
All of that is born, owing to the attribute of consciousness the man was gifted with by nature, even under the form of some simple and uncontrollable actions, certain routes of unfolding, finalization of miscellaneous games, diverse plans of identification of the stages and of their resolution, of establishing of the some objectives, of the plans which have finally guided to the step of elaboration, at the draft level, when the bases of the first demonstration of a strategy are set at an individual micro-social or even macro-social dimension.
This thing has been stimulated by the fact that the so called "games", which initially were assumed by the young ages (by youth and children), become finally true stratagems, tactics and strategies used either in peaceful times or in the conflict ones. Now, a clear distinction between game, which is a very serious and grave thing - and playing, act which is subordinated to ludic dimension, to activities of certain categories of ages and professions, can be made.
At the bases of the game always stays the information, the documentation, the projection, the premonition and the last but not least the productive finality, which is the taxing equivalent of the inter-human relationships.
Due to a complex integration in human vital space, from the first steps of the development of particular states of rejection or acceptation of each demonstration they get in contact with are created, which generates the future personality bases, beginning with primary phenomena which can be constituted in the first forms of the game.
Therefore, the game and the playing are born at in the same time with the first moments of awareness of human existence, having the origin in the incalculable demonstration of the being which, in environment's determinations, selected and ordered them. This represents a factor of perfectibility on both the physical and spiritual plan, on the plan of instrumentation of material elements.
Even though it also includes the existence of the hazard, the game is involved in a convergent way in this structure of thinking and action, in the human personality, in the inventory and the working attitude with inter-human relational purpose and with purpose of producing new values.
Two fundamental levels of knowledge have been distinguished, generated by the ceaseless reporting to the categories "possible", "impossible", "real" and "unreal". From here, the continuity aspect or hiatus is born, which marks everybody's personality and gives the perspective of one permanently trying to discover, to find, to use it for personal purposes and in practice.
The balance between pre-established reality and a possible "conventional", "invented" one is precarious and even in this state of "inconsistency" specific valences of each individual can be demonstrated, like a strategy depending on a biological "gift" and of that which is obtained in time, by social and praxis.
Leibnitz's affirmation, which promotes unlike Descates, the material existence in real and independent forms is known. The latter connects it to the imperative of intellect, like a subordination of it, the human being becoming a condition of reporting life to reality and a strategy of sheer opening with the whole capacity to this.
The two school creators 'mark' the beginning of the arising of strategy sciences.
The phenomenon is constituted in an existential "game" while the individual is constituted into a reflection and a "mirror image" of a "game" reality, the life being understood by the great adepts of Renaissance as a boundless "game" in which all has an end reported to a moment and as a result of human participative approach.
The affirmation of these theorems, in accordance with many prestigious philosophers, speaks about the essential rules of games and life as a ludic reality, in which logical relationships, impossible to dispute at the theoretical level for given validity like human virtual experience are established, all being integrated into the requirements of some social and human strategies impartially defined.
We have to accept the idea that some discordance between the concept of strategy and the notion of game seems to exist, because the former supposes projection (designing), planning, staging and finishing and the latter is centered on structure and state of playing.
The game can't carry on following mental routes, pre-established schemes and directions, but its fundamental characteristic consist of spontaneity, inventiveness, creativity, liberty and even chance.
We have to take into consideration that there are many differences between game and playing, that our language finds the most concrete and correct definitions of this two hypostasis that we name, in an all-inclusive way, GAME.
We consider that the game can also get the meanings of some strategies, especially if it is reported to the social field. In this case it is addressed to different ages and social categories and can be accepted and received, generally, in human action.
We may say that strategic games have a very near to present period when they have been reconsidered and discovered again, when they have been given a social utility.
This thing was generated by armed conflicts, by wars, by military strategies and was returned for the benefit of these fields, which absolutely need the spirit of inventiveness and creativity specific to the game.
The concept of organizing structures, of self-organizing, to be more specific, is a notional algorithm created with the purpose of solving a problem. The large possibility palette which we could make use of represents, considering the vital space of human manifestation, a space of developing and applying in real life of strategies that come up or are proposed.
The possibility of extending the sphere of strategy beyond the human existence, of accepting that, until us, nature acted by building the algorithms of its self-organization step by step is not of no relevance. Consequently, we propose that the sphere of strategy should contain both the social, where the rationality proposed or possible in a game is obvious, and the natural, where the evolution by self-organizing is highlighted.
We allow ourselves to support these ideas with some examples now.
2. The period of cosmic organization. Model
The idea of the existence of a general model in the energetic space has been advanced, each model being afterwards projected in reality, in time. According to the Romanian scientist, Mihai Drăgănescu, this model is contained into the so-called INFOMATTER. In this regard, all processes have a high determination and, consequently, lots of strategies. Amongst them, the first process is the process of cosmic self-organization, being implicitly marked by the time (period) of cosmic organization. Adopting the theory of “the expansion” of the Universe, this process started 18 billion years ago (We’ll use 109 for the billion and 106 for the million or, in a shorter way, Giga years – Gy, and Mega years – My, like in the technics).
Fig. 1 Substance organization beginning from the Big Bang
Starting with this one, the “high strategies” of the “cosmic organization” that followed were: (Todoran Ion, “Explosions in the Universe”, The Scientific and Encyclopedic Publisher, Bucharest 1979)
I. The decrease of the temperature of the Universe from 1011 to 3 x 109 degrees in 14 seconds, so that the first elements of the nucleus could already be formed (the deuterium nucleus, which was still unstable, but that’s how the organization of the substance had already begun).
II. The decrease of the temperature of the Universe from 3 x 109 to 109 degrees in 3 minutes, temperature at which the synthesis of the nucleus becomes stable. Helium nuclei also appear – other nuclear reactions and a big part of the heavy particles was caught in the nuclei.
III. The decrease of the temperature of the Universe from 109 to 3 x 102 degrees in 1 Gy; that’s how the synthesis of the atom began; deuterium and hydrogen atoms, initially.
IV. The synthesis of the galaxies, including our galaxy.
V. The formation of our solar system, after 5 (or 8) Gy, including our planet.
3. The period of the organization of Earth
Starting from moment V, although the period of the great cosmic organization continues to develop, we are interested only in the self-organization of Earth. The time of the organization of Earth is an integrant part of the first time, the time of the formation of the Universe, and is projected upon it (fig. 2).
Fig. 2 The Terra organization time, the three kingdom birth time (geo, fito, zoo)
Due to this fact, Earth has a pure geological period, the first and the longest time being the one of geological organization, upon which the periodic of the biologic organization will be projected later, therefore the apparition of the plant and animal worlds; afterwards, the anthropogenic period began, which was projected upon the time of cosmic organization (fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Anthropogenetic organization times
In the third figure the asterisks represent the fact that those discoveries have been made on Romanian land. A dotted curve can also be noticed; it is essentially the curve of the anthropogenic evolution during the initial processes of human spreading. Its exponential allure and the increasing humanization rate on the last 5 million years are to be noticed (the quaternary era).
The main strategy of nature for the existent worlds (plants and animals) is the achievement of complete stability, from the root to the farthest, terminal branch. The same solution was found by nature for both of the worlds; the root evolved into plant individuals, as the leg did for the vertebrate and the invertebrate. Both aspects are linked together; nature, the entire selection, adaption, mutation, evolution, procedures of solution and model conservation – they all acted similarly in both of the worlds, if they were efficient.
4. The period of anthropogenic organization
Three degrees of liberty exist for the three dimensions of space; they can be found in the structures of the most dynamic worlds (plants, animals) for the biggest and most important part of living being since the beginnings of life. Creatures such as plants, which are more evolved, have three components: the root, the trunk, the branches with leaves and flowers as reproductive organs. The animals, which are even more evolved, also have three big component parts: the abdomen, the thorax and the head; then the arm with the hand, forearm and upper arm, or each finger made of phalanges, or the leg with the foot, thigh and hip also have three components, following the rule of the three degrees of liberty that exist.
A single need created a unique strategy: the achievement of stability in sedentary life and of stable movement in animal life. For a unique strategy, nature created a multitude of solutions; for each single species there is a solution, but each of them correspond to only one pattern in the tree of the development.
Besides these solutions, in each important structure built in the animal world an additional accessory appears: the opposable finger. During the biological organization period, the life environment of the vertebrates was diversified very much; therefore, in order to obtain the ability of assuring a fast conquering of a dwelling place or of advancing on the terrestrial space in order to keep the body in a relational life, in order to ramify or achieve instinctual defeat the solution of the opposable finger was required. This opposable finger has become a very good solution for the resolution of many moving life problems.
This invention of the nature was the key that opened the door for “human colonization”. The first steps of the mammals on this road of the nature have been made by the lemurs. They are the end of the processes of the creation of animal pre-human structures (fig. 2) and mark the beginning of the anthropogenic process. In the last figure, the first components as individuals, as species of these anthropogenic processes are represented, each of them populating the tertiary and the anthropogenic quaternary eras. The change in speed of the humanization process, the existence of certain humanization rates and the exponential evolution of this process are obvious. (in the “România Liberă” newspaper, the 17th of June, 1982, p.4).
5. The organization process of the Homo sapiens period
The refinement which the solution of the opposable finger led to in time, as a strategy of nature, is shown in the fourth figure.
Fig. 4 Entrance in the chemical technologies synthesis
Thereby, the humanity, as the main result of this evolution, quits practicing the old techniques of the Stone Age and invents something new, very productive and efficient: the technologies and the techniques of the ceramics, metal and glass, technologies based on chemical syntheses, molten, treated, solidified rock. This is the period which has started in the Mesolithic and still goes on today. We are forced by the expressivity of figure 4 to highlight the formation of a dotted curve which marks the evolution of the main technologies during the last 5 years, curve which also has an exponential allure. The ‘thickening’ of the technological processes and the diversification of their use in the whole of the social life during the last period of time (respectively, during the last 200 years) can be noticed again. The establishment of new technologies and electric techniques during this last period of time is particularly important, as they represent a new horizon won by mankind on its way to reveal the secrets of the Universe and use them for its benefit.
A short retrospective of the points 3, 4, and 5 from this work puts us in front of the 5th and 6th figures.
Fig. 5 The first eras in the humanization process
Fig. 6 The anteelectronic era and the electronic current era
Thereby, the evolution era of the lemur into hominid My) and the first era of humanization My) can be seen in the fifth figure. A link phase follows between the two graphics, which is not represented because it consists of Paleolithic evolutions. It is considered by us to be the second phase of humanization (tu2=500.000 years). In the sixth figure, the third (tua=5.000 years) and the fourth phase of humanization (tu4=200 years) stand out as more important.
These stages, which are, basically, the times of the great periods of development from the history of mankind, urge us to define development rates for the human history, respectively humanization rates.
Ru=1/tu (1)
By applying it to our data, we find the following humanization rates:
Rh=1/th =1/50x106 =0,002x10-6 humanization step/year (2)
Ru1=1/tu1 =1/2x106 = 0,5x10-6 humanization step/year (3)
Ru2=1/tu2 =1/0,5x106 =2x10-6 humanization step/year (4)
Ru3=1/tu3 =1/5x106 = 0,2x10-3 humanization step/year (5)
Ru4=1/tu4 =1/0,2x106 = 5x10-3 humanization step/year (6)
The introduction of humanization rates reveals its importance through its allowing us to mark, especially, the beginning of other technological eras. For example, the stage of the developing of the technologies of metal processing (Ru3) is separated by 2-3 orders of magnitude of the humanization rates, which proves the slowness of the previous Paleolithic evolution. The stage of the developing of the technologies of creation of electro technical products (Ru4) is superior by 1-2 orders of magnitude compared to (Ru3),
which proves the refinement of the human thinking by the invention and
use of a technics based on phenomena that are infinitely subtler than
the ones that were encountered and used in all its previous evolution.
Therefore, we can conclude that even the humanization rates are
subjected to adjustments and to an exponential lawfulness (fig. 7).
6. Mechanoid civilizations – electroid civilization
The presentation so far highlights the importance of the time factor in the evolution of a process, process which may occur under a pre-calculated strategy, which implies a rational initiator, or under a self-structured strategy in obvious progress. Everything we allow ourselves to call “natural strategies” is put under the latter category. We exemplified them through: the self-organization of the cosmos, of the Earth, of the humanization process.
We can also wonder, considering that so much order is created from chaos with the purity of the exponential lawfulness as an auxiliary, secondary fact, if a rational initiator doesn’t also exist behind the “natural” strategies.
As a continuation of what has been presented so far, we consider that the epochs that preceded the tu4 period represent an antechamber of its. We name the successions tH, tu1, tu2, tua as representing the epochs of the mechanoid civilizations, the entire material culture counting on that were essentially mechanical. We name the tu4 period as belonging to the electroid civilization, which has just begun. By the enormous informational effort and by the means of their processing, which are essentially electronic, we can rightfully consider that a new man has appeared in this era, a man which we call Homo Ciberneticus. Its evolution, beyond the millennium that just ended, will cover all the continents.
We also want to point out that during its evolution, mankind had the opportunity to modify not only its technics and technology but also its life conception. Thereby, year Zero (fig. 6) separates the man from a tarnished ideology. Yet, we are still very far from Homo Religiosus, Christianly speaking.
7. Conclusions
1) Everything is organized starting from simple to complex.
2) Complexion is formed through a logic amplification of an initial nucleus.
3) Because the human brain deciphers this complexion as logic, it is a result of a logical development itself.
4) The “logic” as in the human meaning is the “logic” of the natural development.
5) Any deviation from the natural development is understood by the brain as a deviation from logic.
6) The speed of humanization is essentially increased when the technology that is considered traditional is modified.
Our belief is that evolution led to the discovering of some subtler and subtler natural energies and that the technics is only a pretext for getting closer to new energetic sources and claiming them. In this regard, the technics, the technology ensemble have been, in time, a support for the strategy of human development and will continue to be, to stay a support for our future evolution. The technics-technology ensemble is a foundation for the human civilization and, consequently, represents the nucleus of the human nature, the nucleus of the self-development of the structures which characterize the current human life. In this regard, around Earth, as a first support, other Earths flourished from the work of man. Thereby, we propose the model of the “sunflower” for figure 8, as an illustration of the creative petals that were added by man to the Earth which also supports us, in turn.
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